The original toilet partition company, Mills® is now a division of the Bradley Corporation. You'll find the features you need in Mills' offerings:
- A complete, quality line of toilet partitions in a full range of materials: Plastic Laminate, Baked Enamel, Stainless Steel, Phenolic Core, and Bradmar® Solid Plastic
- Their newest material? 100% post-consumer recycled content HDPE, sourced entirely from recycled milk jugs
- Stocked in our warehouse: Mills® floor-mounted, overhead-braced toilet partitions in Warm Gray (0412) and Almond (2103)
To learn more about the Mills® product line of toilet partitions, please visit their website:
Contact McClain Associates for expert assistance with your toilet partition needs.
Immediate Availability
We stock a limited range of Mills® toilet partitions in our warehouse to meet your immediate needs. Click here for details on our in-stock products.
McClain Associates Inc.
62 Marway Circle
Rochester, NY 14624
Phone (585) 461-4740
Fax (585) 461-4757